How to create a new guest (virtual machine) by CLI on Xen

1 Sep No Comments

How to use command lines to create a new guest (virtual machine) on XEN

The command is “virt-install”. The sample executing command as below

 $virt-install -p -n vs2 -r 512 -f /home/vs2.img  -s 8 -l -w bridge:xenbr0 --vcpus=1

Description: to create a new VM named “vs2” with 512MB RAM, image-file at /home/vs2.img, image-size as 8GB, install via http at, ethernet with bridge:xenbr0, and cpu with 1.

All detailed description as below

virt-install -help
usage: virt-install [options]
   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
   -n NAME, --name=NAME  Name of the guest instance
   -r MEMORY, --ram=MEMORY
                         Memory to allocate for guest instance in megabytes
   -u UUID, --uuid=UUID  UUID for the guest; if none is given a random UUID
                         will be generated. If you specify UUID, you should use
                         a 32-digit hexadecimal number.
   --vcpus=VCPUS         Number of vcpus to configure for your guest
   --check-cpu           Check that vcpus do not exceed physical CPUs and warn
                         if they do.
   --cpuset=CPUSET       Set which physical CPUs Domain can use.
                         File to use as the disk image
   -s DISKSIZE, --file-size=DISKSIZE
                         Size of the disk image (if it doesn't exist) in
   --nonsparse           Don't use sparse files for disks.  Note that this will
                         be significantly slower for guest creation
   --nodisks             Don't set up any disks for the guest.
   -m MAC, --mac=MAC     Fixed MAC address for the guest; if none or RANDOM is
                         given a random address will be used
   -b BRIDGE, --bridge=BRIDGE
                         Bridge to connect guest NIC to; if none given, will
                         try to determine the default
   -w NETWORK, --network=NETWORK
                         Connect the guest to a virtual network, forwarding to
                         the physical network with NAT
   --vnc                 Use VNC for graphics support
   --vncport=VNCPORT     Port to use for VNC
   --sdl                 Use SDL for graphics support
   --nographics          Don't set up a graphical console for the guest.
   --noautoconsole       Don't automatically try to connect to the guest
   -k KEYMAP, --keymap=KEYMAP
                         set up keymap for a graphical console
   --accelerate          Use kernel acceleration capabilities
   --connect=CONNECT     Connect to hypervisor with URI
   --livecd              Specify the CDROM media is a LiveCD
   -v, --hvm             This guest should be a fully virtualized guest
   -c CDROM, --cdrom=CDROM
                         File to use a virtual CD-ROM device for fully
                         virtualized guests
   --pxe                 Boot an installer from the network using the PXE boot
   --os-type=OS_TYPE     The OS type for fully virtualized guests, e.g.
                         'linux', 'unix', 'windows'
                         The OS variant for fully virtualized guests, e.g.
                         'fedora6', 'rhel5', 'solaris10', 'win2k', 'vista'
   --noapic              Disables APIC for fully virtualized guest (overrides
                         value in os-type/os-variant db)
   --noacpi              Disables ACPI for fully virtualized guest (overrides
                         value in os-type/os-variant db)
   --arch=ARCH           The CPU architecture to simulate
   -p, --paravirt        This guest should be a paravirtualized guest
   -l LOCATION, --location=LOCATION
                         Installation source for paravirtualized guest (eg,
                         nfs:host:/path, http://host/path, ftp://host/path)
   -x EXTRA, --extra-args=EXTRA
                         Additional arguments to pass to the installer with
                         paravirt guests
   -d, --debug           Print debugging information
   --noreboot            Disables the automatic rebooting when the installation
                         is complete.
   --force               Do not prompt for input. Answers yes where applicable,

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